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General Rules for Meditators

What does it mean to stay in a monastery?

Inside the monastery, the Eight Precepts are followed. The following points should also be noted: 

1. Meditators are not allowed to talk about their personal meditation practice or experience.  Do not discuss or compare your meditation practice with each other. Your experience is your own, and may not be the same as others.

2. No reading—this includes Buddhist books. No writing (letters, diaries, etc.).  No listening to music. No telephone calls during your practice (emergency only), as it can prevent you from progressing in insight meditation. Mobile phones should only be used as an alarm clock/ timer.

3. Each night in Wan Phra (Buddha Day or Buddhist observance day, full-moon/half-moon), meditators must join the ceremony called “Wian-tien” or “Padakkhina”. This will include walking around the pagoda 3 times to worship the Triple Gem, after the evening chant (20:00) in the Dhamma-sammakhee hall (next to the Golden pagoda). At least once during their stay.

*Note* Wan phra occurs 4 days in a month. There will no opening/closing ceremony conducted on this day. Vipassana office support team will let you know if you have to change your preferred date of arrival/departure before/after Wan phra.

4. No kissing, hugging, holding hands, massaging or any other physical contact is allowed during your stay inside or outside of the monastery area at all times. No sun-bathing. If found, you will be asked to leave immediately.

5. Temple authorities reserve the right to refuse entry, or to expel anyone in the case of disrespect regarding the rules or instructions.

6. Donations are appreciated.  All donations should be made at the reservation office, where an temple dana receipt can be obtained. There is no fixed charge, however your kind donation is essential for the ongoing support of the program (food, electricity, and maintenance bills). You can make a donation for the monastery on the day before your check-out date. Or ask for the vipassana fund bank account number to contribute from overseas. We do not have IBAN.

7. You are responsible for the loss or damage of temple properties.

8. You are not allowed to mix the practice with other techniques during your stay as you are here to learn.

9. Please unplug all electrical devices when not in use, and turn off all lights, fans, etc., when leaving your room. 

10. Meditators should not visit others in their rooms.  Men are not allowed to enter women’s rooms. Women are not allowed to enter men’s rooms.


11. You and your clothing must always be clean, proper and hygienic. You need to wear white clothing day and night. You may use deodorant to prevent your body-odor from disturbing other meditators (no perfumes). Apply with the intention to be considerate, not to beautify.

12. Keep your room neat and tidy. Keep the bathroom and toilet clean, in order to prevent fungi and bacteria.

13. You are not allowed to smoke cigarettes in your room. It would be better to avoid that burdensome habit.

14. While taking a bath, make sure that the door and window/curtains are closed and locked.

15. The meditator’s room are for their privacy. Visitors are not allowed to enter the meditator’s room.

16. All temple items must be returned and the meditator’s room must be cleaned before leaving.  Imagine you are the next person who will use the room. Return list: key, report room card, clothing, chanting book, sitting mattresses back to the meditation hall.

​17. Upon completion of the course, meditators should pay respect to the meditation instructor. If you plan to leave early, attend the closing ceremony the day before the departure day.


18. Meditators are not allowed to sleep during the day. The condition of drowsiness reveals the true nature of the mind. After 3:00pm. You may lie down on the floor in your room, set the timer for 20 minutes, then contemplate rising/ falling/ body scan (lying) until the alarm goes off, and get up immediately. Continue to practice to complete the meditation sessions.

Additional advice to foreign meditators

 In Thailand, the feet are considered the lowest part of your body.  

Therefore, it is rude to point your feet at anyone.

Do not touch the top of any Thai person’s head, as this is also considered rude.

Be aware that it is rude to point your feet at any Buddha images. 


Daily Routine

The schedule may change according to your assigned meditation instructor.

4:00 A.M.

The bell rings. Get ready and start the day by doing mindful prostration, walking meditation and sitting meditation.

4:30  A.M.

Morning Chanting at Mahasala Hall (red carpet) (*Dhammasamakkhee Hall on the Buddha day) (optional).

6:00 A.M.

Breakfast. It is your responsibility to arrive at the dining hall on time. Alms food is considered sacred; take only as much as you will need to eat. Eat slowly, mindfully, and preferably alone. This means no talking during and after meals, as doing so is disruptive to mindfulness.


Wash your dish immediately after eating. The first precept is to refrain from destroying living creatures. This implies that we shouldn’t create situations in which it is easy to destroy living creatures. Take care of your trash; there is a designated area near the sink where you clean your dishes.

11:00 A.M.

Pick up lunch at the Dining Hall to eat in the designated area.

12:00 P.M. 

You may relax mindfully, but meditators are not allowed to sleep during the day.

1:00 P.M.

Get ready, the afternoon meditation session begins

6:30-8:00 P.M.

Evening Chanting Mahasala Hall (red carpet) (*Dhammasamakkhee Hall on the Buddha day)(optional).

10:00 P.M.

Sleeping may begin.

*All other times may be used for mindful prostration, walking meditation and sitting meditation in your room or meditation hall.


*Opening/ closing ceremony starts at 16:00 every day, except on Wan phra/

Buddhist observance day (occurs 4 days in a month).

*The schedule may change according to your assigned meditation instructor.

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